So, this is a neat little feature I've added: Sign of the Apocalypse.
Actually, all of these posts are signs that the day of reckoning is coming.
Sometime this morning I was skimming across my usual daily blog roll and I tumbled upon a link that brought me to another link that eventually drifted my interested into Tyler Cowen and Naomi Klein. The two individuals eventually colluded and I ended up googling them, actually, I "binged" them. I came across a neat book review (which you should absolutely consider reading) our said economist wrote about Naomi Klein's book, "Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism".
Now I've read the majority of her book, and so I concur with the majority of Professor Cowen's dissection. Nonetheless, Naomi is the result of baffering leftist bias completely eroding factual evidence. She completely dismisses causal laws and has very little understanding of economics or intellectual history. Professor of Economics, Art Carden of Rhodes College is currently has a working paper that treats her entire book and the excessive inaccuracies that dampen it. Hence, I found Professor Cowen's remarks on Stiglitz remarks to be extremely well placed.
Questions about LLMs (from my email)
From Naveen: So much talk of “AI safety” and too little in the way of
practical questions like these that are going to be important in the near
future. S...
8 hours ago
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